Tuesday 11 May 2010

Friday 23 April 2010


Question One -

Question Two - How does your media product represent particular socials groups?

Question Three - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

IPC - the music magazines they currently publish:


Question Four - Who would be the audience for your media product?

Question Five - How did you attract/address your audience?

Question Six - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Question Seven - Looking back on your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned from it in the progress from it to the full product?

Tuesday 20 April 2010



In this screenshot of my double page spread I have inserted the background and created the title. I then added picture boxes and inserted the text.

I inserted my text and changed the colour of the text so that it could be read against the colours of my background.

This shows me putting in the three pictures I have chosen. I also decided which picture would fit best on which side.

This is a screenshot of my contents page. I have imported the title to match my front cover and started to add additional text. I then created a text box with a fill of the colour purple and started to add in my picture boxes.

I have created my contents page text and made them into the correct colour. I then started to import my pictures.

I imported my pictures and created small text boxes in the corner of each picture to write the page number that the picture relates to.

This is a screenshot of the start of my front cover. I created the background using the gradient tool and picked the right colours.

I then created my title to make it unique. I changed the shadow and depth of the text aswell as the outline.

When inserting the main image I had to create another layer to make the image overlap my title which is conventional in music magazines.